Thursday, November 13, 2008

Cardiac rehab dwindles in isles

"Isle heart patients won't find a rehabilitation program at a local hospital despite national guidelines. Hospitals have closed outpatient cardiac rehabilitation programs in the past 10 years because of reduced reimbursements. 'Bottom line, it's a money issue,' said Penney Sing, an exercise physiologist who runs a cardiac rehab program in the Honolulu Center for Physical Therapy in Nimitz Center. 'I'm really the only one left. Somehow I feel as though I have been handed a mission to hold cardiac rehab together, and I have done so for almost eight years.' Castle Medical Center's program outlasted the others because Adventist Health "has a very strong mission for health prevention," said Ron Henderson, director of Castle's cardiopulmonary department. He feels cardiac rehab saves lives, but after losing 'an incredible amount of money' for 10 years, Castle's program closed in January. - Star Bulletin, Hawaii

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