Wednesday, November 5, 2008

SWHR asks young women to be aware of smoking dangers in face of new cigarette marketing tactics

Society for Women's Health Research President and CEO Phyllis Greenberger, M.S.W., issued the following statement in response to the decision of Philip Morris USA to introduce pink 'Purse Packs' for some Virginia Slims cigarette brands by early 2009.

"The Society for Women's Health Research is appalled that a tobacco company, with all the health information now available, would initiate a marketing campaign that is directed at young women. The use of smaller, sleek pink boxes is clearly designed to recruit a new generation of young women smokers. This is a reprehensible marketing practice. Young women need to know that smoking more negatively affects their health than the health of their male counterparts. Smoking increases the risk of infertility and the chance of developing cervical cancer. Smoking also puts women at dramatically greater risk for other cancers and heart and lung diseases. Additionally, women are less successful quitting smoking and have more severe withdrawal symptoms than men. The message to women of all ages: If you are not a smoker, for your immediate and long-term health, do not begin. And, if you do smoke, stop. If you can not quit on your own, seek help from medical professionals or social support groups"

Phyllis Greenberger, M.S.W.
President and CEO
Society for Women's Health Research
Washington, D.C. USA

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