Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Video: an introduction to Nordic walking

1 comment:

American Nordic Walking System and WWW.SKIWALKING.COM said...

Nordic Walking is ideal for ALL ages and ALL fitness levels! I have donated Real Nordic Walking Poles to several Cardiac Rehab facilities and the physical therapists have given the poles two thumbs up. Walking with poles is low impact, yet much more effective than regular walking.

At The American Nordic Walking System we have developed three basic levels that allow for casual walking with poles (level one), walking with a little more intensity (level two) and full out Nordic Walking (level three). Most American prefer Levels One and Two.

Level 1 burns up to 20% more calories than regular walking.

Level 2 burns up to 30% more calories and includes a full arm extension.

Level 3 burns up to 40% more calories and involves a full arm extension and utilization of the Nordic Walking Straps by applying pressure into the cradle of the strap from pole plant to when the hand passes by the hip.

We donated quality one-piece poles because one-piece poles are safer, lighter and much more durable than the cheap twist-locking adjustable length/telescoping/collapsible poles from China.

Skiers use one-piece poles and wouldn't trust cheap twist-locks.

Utilizing the Perfect length poles and correct technique will maximize success.

Perfect length poles help us to automatically walk with a super straight back - better walking posture is biomechanically a good thing. This improved walking posture when combined with the unique 4-Wheel-Drive type action of walking with poles radically reduces the stress to the shins, knees, hips and back. Nordic Walking is low impact and yet provides a highly effective workout - burning more calories and working more muscle groups than regular walking.

Please let me know if you have any questions at any time.

Walking with poles is the best!

Pete - owner/founder/coach The American Nordic Walking System and WWW.SKIWALKING.COM Nordic Walking Poles